Saturday, September 8, 2012

To You We Owe

When the mind tires down, and the limbs feel weak,
When the path to be treaded seems narrow and bleak,
When the help from the guardians seems far far away,
You shine like a star, to brighten our way.

The 'mom' gives us birth after all her plight,
The 'dad' helps us take our first step right,
But all that they do, can only take us this far,
Because its you who makes us who we are.

You scold when you see us going astray,
Pat on our shoulders, when we do it the right way,
Be it the day, or be it night,
We know you're standing right by our side.

You teach us what's right, and what is wrong,
To tread the righteous path, even if it was long,
You give us  the courage, to  stand by our cause,
And to keep striving hard, without a pause,

To show you our gratitude for what you've done,
Our gestures seem bland, and our words undone,
For we thank only those, who help us in despair,
But we owe you our souls having always been there.

P.S:- This is a tribute to every teacher that has been a part of a student's life, because everything that we are, and everything that we will be, we owe it all to them..

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